



Devhaus specialize in digital transformation services that harness the latest technologies to help startups, scaleups, and SMEs scale faster and smarter. From automation to communication and data visualization, they structure the perfect tools to streamline your operations and supercharge your growth. The website involve redesigning the website's layout and improving user experience. The timeline for this project is approximately 8-12 weeks, with regular updates and reviews to ensure we are on track.


Devhaus specialize in digital transformation services that harness the latest technologies to help startups, scaleups, and SMEs scale faster and smarter. From automation to communication and data visualization, they structure the perfect tools to streamline your operations and supercharge your growth. The website involve redesigning the website's layout and improving user experience. The timeline for this project is approximately 8-12 weeks, with regular updates and reviews to ensure we are on track.


Devhaus specialize in digital transformation services that harness the latest technologies to help startups, scaleups, and SMEs scale faster and smarter. From automation to communication and data visualization, they structure the perfect tools to streamline your operations and supercharge your growth. The website involve redesigning the website's layout and improving user experience. The timeline for this project is approximately 8-12 weeks, with regular updates and reviews to ensure we are on track.






UX Designer, Webflow Developer


6 Months










UX Designer, Webflow Developer


6 Months










UX Designer, Webflow Developer


6 Months






Guiding ICPs through the company services with ease and accessibility

On this project, I worked with a Senior product designer, engineers, and a product manager; I was responsible for the end-to-end design process pncluding UX Design, concept development prototyping, and usability testing.

Problem Statement

Users accessing our platform often arrive from various entry points, leading to diverse user journeys that may or may not culminate in their desired destination. Analyzing user feedback and data revealed a common challenge: users are not efficiently enticed or guided towards their intended destination, especially when landing on specific pages. This issue undermines the overall user experience and hinders the platform's effectiveness in meeting user needs promptly.

The decision to address this challenge stems from a recognition of its impact on user satisfaction, engagement, and the overall success of our platform. By enhancing the efficiency of guiding users from landing pages to their intended destinations, we aim to significantly improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of users achieving their goals on their first visit. This initiative aligns with our commitment to optimizing user journeys, showcasing the maturity of our design practice, and demonstrating a deep understanding of the problem space.

what did the early versions look like? What did I learn from this version?

User discontent with navigation highlights the need for a more intuitive experience. Examining user feedback reveals challenges in content discovery and reaching desired destinations. The previous version overlooked diverse entry points, resulting in inconsistent user journeys. The lack of personalized onboarding means users navigate a generic interface, missing out on relevant content. Additionally, the prior iteration lacks an effective system for integrating user feedback, impeding adaptation to evolving needs.



"How might we

"How might we

"How might we

expedite and enhance

expedite and enhance

a digital designer

the user journey

the user journey

focusing on branding

from landing pages to

from landing pages to

and UI/UX design.

destination points,

destination points,

destination points,

ensuring a seamless

ensuring a seamless


and engaging experience

and engaging experience

and engaging experience

that caters to the

that caters to the diverse

that caters to the diverse

diverse entry points of our users?"

entry points of our users?"

entry points of our users?"


Diving into the aesthetic charm of a dark mode seamlessly mixed with an enchanting blue theme imparts an element of refinement to the user interaction. The pronounced contrast of deep backgrounds against striking blue tones not only augments visual attractiveness, but also aids in lessening eye fatigue during prolonged usage. This inventive take on dark mode doesn't just prioritise user comfort, but encapsulates a spirit of technological design.

The Challenge

  1. Design Consistency

    Reusing components and assets to keep the brand identity consistent

  2. New Design System Approach

    Implementing a Client First system approach into the old one (SystemFlow Design System); Naming Conventions, Renaming Classes/Creating Classes to store the new design system.

  3. Diverse Entry Points

    Users enter the platform from various sources, creating a challenge in providing a uniform and efficient user journey.

  4. User Frustration

    The existing navigation process leads to user frustration, as evidenced by feedback and behavioral data, posing a significant challenge to user retention and satisfaction.

  5. Optimizing Without Overwhelming

    Balancing the need for efficiency without overwhelming users with information or options is a delicate challenge in redesigning the user journey.

  1. Design Consistency

    Reusing components and assets to keep the brand identity consistent

  2. New Design System Approach

    Implementing a Client First system approach into the old one (SystemFlow Design System); Naming Conventions, Renaming Classes/Creating Classes to store the new design system.

  3. Diverse Entry Points

    Users enter the platform from various sources, creating a challenge in providing a uniform and efficient user journey.

  4. User Frustration

    The existing navigation process leads to user frustration, as evidenced by feedback and behavioral data, posing a significant challenge to user retention and satisfaction.

  5. Optimizing Without Overwhelming

    Balancing the need for efficiency without overwhelming users with information or options is a delicate challenge in redesigning the user journey.

  1. Design Consistency

    Reusing components and assets to keep the brand identity consistent

  2. New Design System Approach

    Implementing a Client First system approach into the old one (SystemFlow Design System); Naming Conventions, Renaming Classes/Creating Classes to store the new design system.

  3. Diverse Entry Points

    Users enter the platform from various sources, creating a challenge in providing a uniform and efficient user journey.

  4. User Frustration

    The existing navigation process leads to user frustration, as evidenced by feedback and behavioral data, posing a significant challenge to user retention and satisfaction.

  5. Optimizing Without Overwhelming

    Balancing the need for efficiency without overwhelming users with information or options is a delicate challenge in redesigning the user journey.

Overcoming the Challenges

Simplified Navigation Pathways

Redesign the navigation pathways to balance efficiency and simplicity, providing clear and intuitive routes for users without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

Visual Hierarchy and Clarity

Implemented a clear visual hierarchy to guide users seamlessly through the platform, reducing cognitive load and enhancing the overall navigation experience.

User Persona Integration

Integrated user personas into the design process, ensuring that the redesigned experience caters to the unique needs and expectations of different user segments.

Responsive Design

Employed responsive design principles to ensure a consistent and optimized experience across various devices, accommodating the diverse entry points of users.


User-Centric Approach

Understanding and addressing user frustration is paramount. The solution must prioritize user needs, aiming to create a more user-centric journey.


Recognizing and accommodating the diverse entry points users utilize is essential for a successful redesign. The solution should be adaptable to different user journeys.

Streamlined Experience
Efforts should focus on simplifying the user experience without sacrificing the depth of content, ensuring a streamlined and efficient navigation process.

Feedback Integration
Ongoing feedback loops must be integrated into the redesign to continually assess the effectiveness of the changes and make data-driven adjustments. (Documented in Figma)


VISUAL DESIGNER Sean Ng & Nathania
UX Researcher Tamara


Ready to bring your vision to life or just want to chat? Reach out, and let's create something memorable together.

I'm here to listen, collaborate, and craft design solutions that resonate.

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Ready to bring your vision to life or just want to chat? Reach out, and let's create something memorable together.

I'm here to listen, collaborate, and craft design solutions that resonate.

message me